triangle magellan duetto test

Triangle Magellan Duetto 2 Referenz-Monitor-Lautsprecher (Paarpreis ohne Ständer).Sonderaktion in Klavierlack Schwarz, Weiß und Mahagoni. Triangle has since become one of France's top three hi-fi manufacturers, and Stereophile has reviewed several Triangle loudspeakers over the years. Audiobyte Hydra.VOX DAC and Hydra.ZAP power supply. Copyright © 2021 Hi-Fi+. It’s the distillation of years of the French brand’s distinctive approach to loudspeaker design, in a form factor that doesn’t dominate the room. And the sound reflects all of this perfectly. It’s a heavy beast, too; that horn weighs almost a kilo and a half in its own right. But the Triangle illustrated the advantages that a large loudspeaker has over smaller, cheaper, and consequently more popular rivals. All rights reserved. Pour finir en apothéose, Triangle dote tout simplement ce pack de ce qui se fait de mieux dans son catalogue, à savoir ses enceintes de bibliothèque Duetto, de la gamme Magellan. Et je le confirme : cette enceinte est sidérante. Charakterystyczny dla wysokich modeli Triangla głośnik wysokotonowy z tubce i z ostrym korektorem (fot. I'm not sure of the true origins of the company's name. Both design decisions elicit a “love it or hate it” response with plenty of preconceived notions. The Cello is part of the company's high-end Magellan range, so the compromises in terms of tonal purity aren't as strong as they are with Triangle's more affordable products. Triangle Magellan Duetto mạnh mẽ. High praise indeed! Audiobyte Hydra.VOX DAC and Hydra.ZAP power supply. À une finition très agréablement luxueuse s'ajoutent des performances sonores en matière de précision et de rapidité qui font de ces colonnes Delta, … Cette enceinte bénéficie des technologies développées pour l'enceinte Triangle Magellan Grand Concert. Rezultat: połączenie technologii i estetyki. It packs a lot of fun into a reasonably small box that can bring truly reference grade sound in even the smallest room. It’s the distillation of years of the French brand’s distinctive approach to loudspeaker design, in a form factor that doesn’t dominate the room. … No, the Magellan Concerto wasn't five or six times better than the group-test speakers—the law of diminishing returns inevitably comes into play. Jul 18, 2014 - Triangle Magellan Duetto SW2 review from the experts at What Hi-Fi? No, the Magellan Concerto wasn't five or six times better than the group-test speakers—the law of diminishing returns inevitably comes into play. It does mean what it seems to. These are in mint condition both functionally and cosmetically! But it also makes you want to reach for the Little Willies (careful now) and rock out to Jim Campilongo’s awesome guitar playing on ‘Diesel Smoke, Dangerous Curves ‘ (on For The Good Times). It’s not. Is it known to be bright ? Technological wizardry for a loudspeaker consisting of only two drivers, which just goes to prove that triangle is the master in the field. La Triangle Magellan Cello soigne également son ébénisterie, avec des matériaux nobles et un souci du détail incroyable. EQUIPMENT REVIEW / Triangle Magellan DueTTo louDspeakers Technical specificaTions Two-way ported standmount Drivers: 29mm TZ290 GC tweeter, 160mm T16GM-MT10-GC1 mid/woofer Frequency response: 38Hz-20kHz (±3dB) Sensitivity: 88dB/W/m Nominal Impedance: eight ohms Minimum impedance: four ohms Power Handling: 80W (160W peak) Maximum SPL: 107dB Ditto for the Magellan tag. They are part of my bedroom system and rarely got used. – but there are many loudspeakers that manage to make music a cerebral, intellectual experience. OK, so a stand-mount has an obvious limitation; bass. Prototype Triangle Magellan Duetto sous forme de vends paire de triangle magellan cello acajou originale modèle sw2 upgrade sw3 effectué.. "Paypal (arnaqueur s'abstenir), virement bancaire ou chèque" Vincennes. Ít dùng quá nên em tái cơ cấu bộ dàn. The ambitious Magellan program represents five years of research, and a passionate non compromising quest for perfection. In fact, the Duetto is every bit the Magellan loudspeaker, cut from exactly the same clothe as the enormous Magellan Grande Concert (which is big and powerful enough to fill the 200,000m3 cathedral at Amiens with sound), just scaled down to an appropriate level to do the same for 12m2 – 30m2 rooms; the sort of places real-world people end up playing music. Les Delta sont donc de grandes colonnes 3 voix à quatre haut-parleurs (2 boomers de 16.5 cm) disposés à la verticale et avec comme sommet, le fameux tweeter semi-débafflé TZ2500. The driver shares the same basic properties common to all the Magellan midranges though; ultra-light cone, die-cast alloy basket and strong emphasis on heat dissipation. Cette enceinte compacte s?adapte parfaitement à des pièces de 12 à 30 m2 en offrant un son grave précis et profond et les performances d?une colonne … Elle offre une réponse en fréquence très large. Triangle Magellan Duetto Loudspeakers Published on Nov 5, 2014 Liveliness and dynamics are hallmarks of triangle’s sound and they are packed into … p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px Times} Triangle Magellan Duetto sở hữu cấu trúc, công nghệ, hệ thống driver, chất lượng trình diễn và đặc … Not only can it work in a small room, it easily fills even a medium-sized listening space with a superb soundstage. Notre auditorium est situé à Toulouse. The Magellan series goes some way to overturn this notion, but the fact remains that mid-woofer is an outstanding transducer from the upper-bass right up into the treble where the tweeter takes over. Densen goes Green: 30th Anniversary models! Since their first 1980 speaker did sport a nearly triangular mid/tweeter head, one could speculate. Great sounding speakers. Toute la vie et la dynamique du son triangle concentrées dans un joyau à l’encombrement minimum. Simply amazing imaging and staging. Em đổi qua khá nhiều loa (bèo bèo) thì ưng với chất âm Pháp này nhất ở chất âm/ tầm tiền. Zanden Audio Systems Model 1200 Signature phono preamplifier. I haven’t excluded other tube amps yet. GRAND CONCERT CONCERTO QUATUOR CELLO DUETTO VOCE MAGELLAN GRAND CONCERT CONCERTO QUATUOR CELLO DUETTO VOCE Price List MSRP 2017 (beginning 03/01/17) The Magellan is the jewel in the crown, a magnificent blend of TRIANGLE, craftsmanship, pure luxury and cutting edge technology. Đây là dòng loa cao cấp nhất dòng bookshelf của hãng Triangle Pháp. Firma powstała w 1980 roku a jej pierwszym produktem były bardzo ciekawe konstrukcyjnie kolumny głośnikowe o symbolu 1180. Specifically, they all share the 29mm TZ2900 GC tweeter found in every loudspeaker in the range (except the Voce centre channel, which has a variation on the same theme). What about the horn tweeter on Triangle? Oto test Triangle Magellan Duetto. The most costly member of our test group, Triangle’s Trio is also one of the largest – and the flashiest too, with its curved cabinetwork, the multi-hued part-external horn-loaded tweeter that protrudes above the top panel, and the shiny flared front port. Triangle Magellan Duetto + Primare A35.2 + PRE35 Prisma . Duetto est une enceinte de référence pour les studios d’enregistrement de Meudon. Zanden Audio Systems Model 1200 Signature phono preamplifier. If anything, you need to control bass. La … This deep, horn-loaded design features a bullet-shaped phase plug set across the dome of the tweeter itself and has been optimised to work in harmony with the horn, while behind the tweeter dome itself is a small piece of damping material designed to lower distortion in the tweeter itself. Professionella tester av Triangle Magellan Duetto V2 What Hi-Fi? Elle offre une réponse en fréquence très large. Triangle MAGELLAN Duetto 2 Regallautsprecher online entdecken TOP Auswahl an HIFI & Heimkinoprodukte TOP Preise Schneller Versand jetzt b… Nur ganz wenige Kompaktlautsprecher klingen so groß und so mühelos wie die Duetto. Usually followed by a smile and a nod. It’s this cone that is, in fact, the secret to the Magellan Duetto sound. L'enceinte Triangle Magellan Cello est un modèle 3 voies de type colonne, disposant de quatre haut-parleurs. Lebendigkeit und Dynamik, Markenzeichen des Klangs von Triangle, sind in diesem Kleinod komprimiert, das so wenig Platz braucht. Notre auditorium est situé à Toulouse. Enceintes Triangle Magellan Duetto . Von Hightech-Treibern, Hochglanzlackierungen und der Erkenntnis, dass Bass allein vielleicht doch nicht immer glücklich macht. wstereo.pl_ Najwyższe tony są nie dość że podane jak na tacy, wyraźnie i konkretnie, to jeszcze naprawdę robią wrażenie rozdzielczością, blaskiem, energią i … The baby of Triangle’s flagship Magellan range, it would be easy to dismiss the Duetto as being just another ported two-way standmount design. This is the smallest floorstander from French speaker house Triangle's top Magellan range. Triangle Magellan Duetto sở hữu cấu trúc, công nghệ, hệ thống driver, chất lượng trình diễn và đặc tính âm thanh của mẫu loa đầu bảng Grand Concert. Durch seine Kompaktheit passt der Lautsprecher mühelos in Räume von 12 bis 30 m2 und erbringt dort mit gewissenhafter Basspräzision und -tiefe dieselbe Leistung wie ein Standlautsprecher. L'idée, bien entendu, de cette technologie est une indépendance mécanique par rapport au coffret, comme une absence de phénomène de diffraction des ondes sur la face avant et une ligne de fuite idéale de ces mêmes ondes sonores vers l'arrière. Dans la gamme Magellan, la Duetto est d'après les dires du directeur technique l'enceinte qui a le plus progressé. Toute la vie et la dynamique du son triangle concentrées dans un joyau à l’encombrement minimum. Don’t confuse that cerebral quality with some perceived limitation at playing string quartets; it’s good at that stuff too, but it’s the kind of loudspeaker that makes you want to throw a few chairs around when you play the Right of Spring as much as a Beethoven string quartet might make you want to ponder on the epistemology of the categorical imperative. Triangle Magellan Duetto + Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista CD Player + Nu-Vista 600 Hi-end stereo set 2.0 - W poszukiwani absolutnego, kompletnego, ekskluzywnego produktu, każdy detal został drobiazgowo przemyślany, każda najdrobniejsza część została wykonana z najlepszych, czystych materiałów. Enceintes bibliothèques Triangle Magellan Duetto, toute la vie et la dynamique du son triangle concentrées dans un joyau à l?encombrement minimum. Since the very beginning, triangle has made technological research and innovation its principal priorities to build High End Hifi Speakers. The tweeter housing itself has a rear cover, which is fine-tuned to the cabinet, allowing precisely the same tweeter to be used in all models in the range. Les enceintes Triangle Magellan Duetto sont des modèles compacts à 2 voies, offrant une réponse en fréquence étendue. But, compare the Cello to similarly priced alternatives, such as ATC's SCM … Triangle Magellan Duetto sở hữu cấu trúc, công nghệ, hệ thống driver, chất lượng trình diễn và đặc tính âm thanh của mẫu loa đầu bảng Grand Concert. But the Triangle illustrated the advantages that a large loudspeaker has over smaller, cheaper, and consequently more popular rivals. Review: Triangle Magellan Duetto Loudspeaker - Δοκιμάζουμε το μικρό ηχείο της σειράς Magellan. Would a luxman tube amp tame that brightness ? The Triangle Magellan Duetto is not your average box loudspeaker. Với phòng nghe diện tích trung bình từ 25 đến 35m2, Duetto mang lại một trải nghiệm âm thanh như khi thưởng thức đôi flagship của Triangle […] Triangle Magellan Duetto sở hữu cấu trúc, công nghệ, hệ thống driver, chất lượng trình diễn và đặc tính âm thanh của mẫu loa đầu bảng Grand Concert. Với phòng nghe diện tích trung bình từ 25 đến 35m2, Duetto mang lại một trải […] Enceintes Triangle Magellan Quatuor. Ce dô… Description and Design Densen goes Green: 30th Anniversary models! Inklusive 2x3 Meter Blue Matrix SPK 500 BiWire-Lautsprecherkabel.Frankreich-Sonderaktion! In an appropriate room (small to medium sized) the bass is full and rich and surprisingly tight given those two ports firing at you. Et je le confirme : cette enceinte est sidérante. Otóż tym razem przyjrzymy się kolumnom z tej samej linii, z tą tylko różnicą, że będzie to model podstawkowy Triangle Magellan Duetto, którego wizytę w naszej redakcji zawdzięczamy białostockiemu dystrybutorowi Rafko, co pozwoli przekonać się, czy przytoczony przykład był odosobnionym wybrykiem, czy zamierzoną tendencją. Với phòng nghe diện tích trung bình từ 25 đến 35m2, Duetto mang […] Triangle to jedna z bardziej cenionych i rozpoznawalnych w Europie francuskich marek audio. Includes all original boxes/packaging, cloth dust covers, jumpers, grills and manual. It could also be easy to dismiss this speaker as a blinged-up version of the brand’s Comete Ex, from its significantly cheaper Esprit range. Context: After the release of the Magellan Quatuor SE I reviewed with great pleasure last year, Triangle Industries decided to extend its SE improvements to all members of the Magellan range. But in rooms were it works well, you probably don’t need gut-churning bass anyway. The baby of Triangle’s flagship Magellan range, it would be easy to dismiss the Duetto as being just another ported two-way standmount design.