toronto machine learning summit 2020

Q: Who will attend? *CONFERENCE BREAKOUTS (ON HOPIN.TO PLATFORM) ARE 18TH AND 19TH*Taken from the real-life experiences of our community, the Steering Committee has selected the top applications, achievements and knowledge-areas to highlight.Data November 18th-19th750-950 attendeesWhere? The conference is designed to shine a spotlight on international research in machine learning and deep learning with an emphasis on related applications, algorithms, and systems. Lots of HR and recruiting conferences include a session or two on AI, but this TAtech Leadership Summit is different. The TAtech Digital Summit on AI & Machine Learning in Talent Acquisition January 19, 2021 – 11 AM ET – 8:00 AM PT – 3 PM GMT . #data_engineering What You Will Learn: Theoretical foundation and interpretation of some of the commonly used heuristics in reinforcement learning such as entropy regularization and Gibbs/Boltzmann/Gaussian exploration. What You Will Learn: How AI/ML is being used by NASA to enable the next frontier in robotics space exploration; Challenges in deploying AI/ML for safety-critical systems, Nadia Fawaz, Applied Research Scientist at Pinterest. BUSINESS ANALYST INNOVATION DAY. This talk distills learnings from building recommendation systems servings millions of customers across multiple companies like Twitter, Twitch, Capital One into a set of commonly used design patterns that you can use right away. What You Will Learn: In this talk, you will see real examples of the cold start problem and how it can prevent businesses from effectively and efficiently growing. Specific techniques have been developed to help reduce bias at each stage of an ML system. Abstract: There are high expectations about AI initiatives across different industries in North America. This generally takes the form of large call center and repair technician workforces that are waiting for an issue to happen, in order to help solve it. Abstract: Large telecom providers (and many other industries) spend tens of millions of dollars each year reacting to customer issues. Toronto Machine Learning Summit and Expo 2020 (Virtual) Online event. However, too often results have been disappointingly producing some backlash against digital transformation efforts. Machine Learning Developers Summit 2021 (MLDS20) is the gold standard for India’s data science & Machine learning ecosystem for gaining exposure to ML tools and frameworks, evaluating new projects, hardware & software challenges of building complex ML systems, the right tools and platforms, languages, software and standards. What You Will Learn: Real-world learnings from putting deep learning models rapidly from research to production through solid Ops and orchestration. MLOps, Production & Engineering World 2020. The ultimate list of the top Machine Learning & Deep Learning conferences to attend in 2021. Accounting; Business Administration; Human Resources Management; People Analytics; Risk Management; Chartered Business Valuator Program; Marketing, Communications & Design. Log in or sign up for Eventbrite to save events you're interested in. Machine Learning/deep learning PhDs and researchers, Data Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers, Enterprise innovation labs seeking to grow their teams, Community and university machine learning groups. Q: What's the refund policy? Abstract: In recent years, fuelled by the advances in supervised machine learning, we have seen astonishing leaps in the application of deep neural networks. Despite the vast opportunities that lie within our data, there are also explicit challenges to revealing their potential. Partner Event March 9, 2021 | 9:00 AM CST Virtual Event . However, it’s not very common to come across companies that have both. services are deployed to produce improvements to important business metrics, e.g. I will present what are the state-of-the-art quantum algorithms, its advantages, and limitations. Despite the remarkable results, these models are data-hungry and their performance relies heavily on the quality and size of the training data. #data_analytics Virtual Toronto Tech Summit 2020 . #data_science_training Details about data for training own models, Emeli Dral, CTO and Co-founder at Evidently AI. Alegion Alegion’s platform blends human and machine intelligence to provide accurate labeled data used to train or validate machine learning models. Toronto, Canada. And finally, how do you communicate the ROI of the project once it’s been deployed? For each customer segmentation, the company found the demand curve function and formulate the nonlinear optimization problem that maximizes the sale or revenue using PYOMO and IPOPT. Event cost: From C$1,395. Access to 80+ hours of live-streamed content (incl. Yes, there will be spaces for company displays. Practitioners are leveraging and expanding their expertise to become high-impact global leaders. ), - How we aim to operationalize model findings quickly in an environment with legacy systems. Biases may arise at different stages in machine learning systems, from existing societal biases in the data to biases introduced by the data collection or modeling processes. Abstract: This talk will discuss CheckList, a task-agnostic methodology, and tool for testing NLP models inspired by principles of behavioral testing in software engineering, showing a lot of fun bugs that were discovered with CheckList, both in commercial models (Microsoft, Amazon, Google) and research models (BERT, RoBERTA for sentiment analysis, QQP, SQuAD). #machinelearning Laptop or personal computer, strong, reliable wifi connection. *Content is non-commercial and speaking spots cannot be purchased. Abstract: This talk is designed to help you land your first 50 enterprise machine learning customers. Attendees will learn about the Bank’s customer segmentation approach, highlighting the flexibility of the model's given data availability. Yes, we can provide this upon request. The 2nd Annual Responsible Machine Learning Summit will take place on October 9, 2020 and will be a fully virtual event. Melanie Mitchell, Professor at the Portland State University. Meet hundreds of senior Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning leaders at … What You Will Learn: Exciting directions and opportunities for assisting machine learning with quantum computers. The Toronto Machine Learning Summit (TMLS) ... (2020) as an example of a firm that has developed high ROI artificial intelligence applications. See Attendee Demographics and a list of the Attendee Titles from our past event here. Learn how they built a machine learning system for automatically moderating comments from millions of readers. by Toronto Machine Learning Society (TMLS). All sessions will be recorded during the event (provided speaker permissions) and will be made available to attendees approximately 2-4 weeks after the event and be available for 12 months after release. In this talk, we will present our work at Google AI Research towards building GoEmotion, a large-scale dataset containing 58K social media comments labeled with a fine-grained emotion taxonomy, which is adaptable to multiple downstream tasks. We also live in the age of UX where user-centricity is no longer the exception or a market differentiator - it is now the norm. Buy Tickets for this Toronto Event organized by 1.21GWS. 2021 dates coming soon! The capacity to implement and demonstrate high ROI AI projects changes this dynamic. The findings can be generalized to many other settings, to assess and monitor the performance of existing ML pipelines even in the absence of A/B testing. Attendees of the event received full access to all talks and presentations and the opportunity to engage in Q&A sessions after each talk. MLOps, Production & Engineering World 2020. Start Date: January 30th, 2020. Our approach enables efficient ML to solve complex prediction tasks for such applications both on-device and on Cloud, keeping model size, compute, and power usage low while simultaneously optimizing for accuracy. Aim: The main objective is to design a pricing product that can help to : 1) Identify groups of elastic and inelastic customers. This talk will focus on our journey to build this model, and how we are able to operationalize the findings quickly using RPA. What You Will Learn: You'll learn about China's role in the global flows of AI research talent, and what implications this has for government policy in the US, Canada, and Europe. Ari Kalfayan, Senior Business Development Manager - AI/ML & VC at Amazon Web Services. These event series bring together the latest technological advancements as well as practical examples to apply AI to solve challenges in business and society. Dillon Erb, CEO and Cofounder at Paperspace. The results are pervasive across technology subcategories within the field of natural language: parsing, natural language understanding, sentiment detection, entity linking, speech recognition, abstractive summarization, and so on. Abstract: Applied machine learning has the potential to transform healthcare, particularly in the areas of automation, prediction, and optimization. - The modeling process, identifying, using, and cleaning data from many sources, - The planning and operationalizing of findings in a quick efficient manner, - Key decision points faced (cost of being wrong, false positives, etc. The deep neural network is fine-tuned in a hierarchical process by iteratively removing (filtering) data points with lower label confidence and retraining. Given that the world and its data are ever more varied and dynamic, to take advantage of this power models need to be highly adaptable to represent the local diversity of events, people, markets, and operations. Shirin Akbarinasaji, Senior Data Scientist; Navid Kaihanirad, Data Scientist; Cheng Chen, Data Scientist at Scotiabank. Go to Main Content. Toronto Machine Learning Summit and Expo 2020 (Virtual) Mon, Nov 16, 7:00 PM EST. Business Leaders, including C-level executives and non-tech leaders, will explore immediate opportunities, and define clear next steps for building their business advantage around their data. If you’re looking to regain momentum and fast-track growth with smarter data, you won’t want to miss Accelerate 2021: Data Analytics Summit, presented by Wavicle DataSolutions, a Databricks Partner. It is a 2 day event organised by Strategy Institute Inc and will conclude on 16-Sep-2020. Presenters will speak to optimization realized through the approach and provide insights into how the business was considered throughout the data and analytics journey. Causal assessments are usually done through A/B tests, which however are not always feasible. Why should I attend the Toronto Machine Learning Society (TMLS) 2020 Annual Conference & Expo: Developments in the field are happening fast: For practitioners, it's important to stay on top of the latest advances; for business leaders, the implementation of new technology brings specific challenges. What You Will Learn: The 2020 industry landscape for NLP use cases in production; the relative "market share" for the popular open-source libraries/frameworks; and analysis of cloud service usage and failure cases; plus industry drivers for accuracy vs. cost in new NLP advances, Azin Asgarian, Applied Research Scientist at Georgian and Franziska Kirschner, Research Lead at Tractable. Our, Director of Data Science, Ashwin Swarup, will be a part of this event as a Speaker. 3. #data_science_course PLEASE NOTE THAT BONUS WORKSHOPS ARE ON THE 16TH AND 17TH OF NOVEMBER. How emotions can be detected from textual content for business use cases & research purposes, 2. Abstract: We live in an age of data; so much data that it’s overwhelming. Abstract: The performance of neural network models relies on the availability of large datasets with minimal levels of uncertainty. Join the AI and Machine Learning Strategies Summit to learn about the latest technologies and imple... 3 °C | Thursday, February 4, 2021 On Friday, September 20, 2019, the Library of Congress hosted the Machine Learning + Libraries Summit.