canada national ai strategy

Canada was the first country to have a national AI strategy. A Caribbean strategy to cope with climate change, The UNESCO Science Report finds a new public on Wikipedia. The AI Futures … The standard borrows a lot from the OECD’s (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) own principles on AI, which were developed in May. IDRC is embarking on a programme to help developing countries build innovative AI for good, identify not only the benefits but also the risks of AI for themselves and regulate and govern AI technologies. 0. China’s July 2017 national AI strategy set a 2020 goal for China’s “AI industry’s competitiveness [to] have entered the first echelon internationally.” In truth, China’s leadership already … In June 2018, in advance of the G7 meetings in Charlevoix, Québec, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Emmanuel Macron issued a joint Canada-France statement on AI. Automation and job loss owing to AI are critical concerns for countries whose economies are driven by citizen-led micro-economic activities such as agriculture and crafts. Another project in Sri Lanka employs big data and algorithms to map and predict the spread of infectious diseases, in order to contain outbreaks better. The federal government’s investment in the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy has catalysed significant investments from other levels of government and from the private sector. In 2004, CIFAR launched Canada’s Learning in Machines and Brains Program, previously called Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception. Key to the ability to pursue basic research in deep learning and reinforcement learning at these three universities over the last 15 years has been the long-term, sustained support from national and provincial scientific agencies, including the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Fonds de recherche du Québec and CIFAR. The strategy has four goals: (1) increase the number of AI researchers and graduates, (2) establish three clusters of scientific excellence, (3) develop thought leadership on the economic, ethical, policy, and legal implications of AI, and (4) support the national research community on AI. This agenda for action underscores the opportunity to use AI technologies to combat entrenched problems such as misinformation and rumours, which can lead to conflict, violence and potentially even genocide. The standards focus specifically on the ethical design and use of automated decision systems, not simply artificial intelligence, a term that’s lost some meaning over the past year, indicated Jansa. It is a significant, focused investment designed to advance research and innovation in AI, attract and retain some of the world’s leading AI researchers, develop a deep talent pool of highly-qualified personnel, and bring together thought leaders from around the world to examine the broad societal implications of AI. It is this long history of supporting groundbreaking AI research and building extremely productive global research networks that led the Canadian government to ask CIFAR to develop and implement the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. Editorial director for IT World Canada and its sister publications, and former community reporter. Is science starting to oil the wheels of Ghana’s development? In March this year, the Government of Quebec proposed creating an Organisation mondiale de l'intelligence artificielle (Omia), an intergovernmental organization dedicated to fostering consensus among member states on the standards and practices that must govern the applications of AI. Over the same period, Canada has seen an explosion in the number of AI-based start-ups, which have sprung up across the country in innovation hubs such as Montreal, Toronto, Waterloo, Edmonton and Vancouver. The Pan-Canadian AI Strategy reflected the recommendations of CIFAR-led consultations within the Canadian AI research community. Bipartisan U.S. Jansa expects the standards to develop over time as it’s implemented in specific verticals such as healthcare, but he said it was crucial for some kind of foundational document to be in place sooner than later. What is the optimal balance between basic and applied research? Detailed in the 2017 federal budget, the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy is a five-year, C$125 million plan to invest in AI research and talent. Canadians have a desire to see AI applied for the benefit of all humanity. The Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy announced in the 2017 federal budget, is a five-year, C$125 million plan to invest in AI … In 2017, the Government of Canada appointed CIFAR to develop and lead a $125 million Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the world’s first national AI strategy. Canada was the first country to release a national AI strategy. Partnerships between Canadian researchers and those in developing countries have been a key ingredient in these innovative projects. Brazil’s sectorial funds on a mission to boost innovation, European Union promoting soft power through science, Pacific islands embracing greater regionalism to accompany rapid change, Public–private partnerships helping to take public agendas forward. California concentrates one-quarter of US business research, The growing influence of billionaires on research priorities in the USA, More Arab countries are seeking to orient their economies towards knowledge, Empowering the private sector to drive economic growth in low-income countries, Gender parity in science not yet a reality, Australia and Canada to raise investment in clean technology, The fourth industrial revolution: tearing down the barriers between services and industry, Africa has begun the transition to sustainable development. (in French), Arabic edition of UNESCO Science Report launched in Cairo, Report explores efforts to match skills with market needs. The Strategy is termed #AIForAll as it is focused … THE NATIONAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE R&D STRATEGIC PLAN: 2019 UPDATE – 1 – Introduction to the 2019 National AI R&D Strategic Plan Artificial intelligence enable computers and … IDRC has focused on advanced computing to solve development challenges. The Strategy is expected to help Canada enhance its international profile in research and training, increase productivity and collaboration among AI researchers, and produce socio-economic benefits for all of Canada. In 2017, the Government of Canada appointed CIFAR to develop and lead the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the world’s first national AI strategy. The strategy … In March 2017, Canada was the first country in the world to promulgate a national strategy dedicated for artificial intelligence. Canada’s CIO Strategy Council publishes national AI standards. Towards a monopolization of research in artificial intelligence? They committed to establishing an international study group which would convene experts across countries and sectors and provide a forum for sharing analysis and best practices and providing foresight and coordination capabilities. It is likely that AI will figure prominently among national research priorities in the next UNESCO Science Report, due for release in November 2020. Saving 50% of annual costs using Artificial Intelligence. Luckily, the council didn’t have to start from scratch. These initiatives are highly complementary with the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, as they favour strong collaboration between industry and academia on AI. A total of five superclusters were named in 2018. Canada had the talent advantage but we needed to act quickly to maintain that lead. The Strategy includes a program of national activities that build on CIFAR’s success with summer and winter schools in AI, and support activities that are national and … What impact might the Brexit have on British and EU science? On September 16, 2020, Reps. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) and Will Hurd (R-Texas), after coordination with experts and the Bipartisan Policy Center, introduced a concurrent resolution calling for the creation of a national AI strategy. 1. One example is the Innovation Superclusters Initiative, a CAN$950 million investment in regional industrial superclusters. “We needed to be very, very specific and clear in the definitions we use that apply to the standard,” he said. The Government of Canada is starting to use Artificial Intelligence to inform decision-making, be more efficient, and provide better services to Canadians.. The Canadi… Machine learning approaches are only as good as the data they are trained on and inherent biases and inequities within a dataset can be amplified through machine learning. Canada also planned … Can Malaysia avoid the middle-income trap? These national strategies for AI are building on past efforts to digitize industry , as the 2015 edition of the UNESCO Science Report recalls. Why the increase in Japanese Nobel laureates since 2000? The University of Ottawa’s Institute for Science, Society and Policy has been examining the societal impact of responsible innovation in AI. What impact would a Brexit have on British and EU science? At the same time, the Canadian government has developed a series of initiatives to engage the private sector and advance the innovation agenda. According to the media relations team at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, AI governance … The Pan … Strategy 7: Better understand the national AI R&D workforce needs. Canada is one of a growing number of countries that have adopted national AI strategies, or are working towards this goal. Building on research and experience that highlight how best to use the internet and computing to improve education, healthcare and governance, IDRC has developed a white paper on AI and development. The remaining question is whether Canada’s AI structures can develop business applications of AI that lead to commercial success for companies and substantial numbers of jobs in Canada. Canada defaults to its Charter of Rights and Freedoms when it comes to governing AI. Canada was the first country to release a national AI strategy. International demand for talent, especially from the USA, was putting Canada’s prior investments in AI research and talent development at risk. … Canada was the first country to release a national AI strategy. The positive potential of AI for developing countries is exciting but AI also poses significant social, political and economic risks. While AI offers tremendous opportunities to benefit society, there are also concerns with respect to employment, privacy, security, democracy and ethics. Canada is taking a leadership role in the international conversation striving to understand the societal implications of AI. Brain research has become a policy focus for China, Revised policy may herald new dawn for Sudanese science, 150 readers of the UNESCO Science Report air their views, Countries of all income levels nurturing a digital economy, New STI Agenda reflects aspiration for change in Islamic world. A fresh start for science in Mali? Chile : Chile created an expert committee that is developing a National AI Policy. CIFAR works in … CIFAR’s very first research programme in 1982 focused on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Society, so it was ahead of its time in its quest to understand machine intelligence and what it might mean for humanity. Canada assumes leadership role on the societal implications of AI. The Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy supports AI research and talent attraction and retention in Canada, promotes collaboration between Canada’s main centres of AI expertise, and positions Canada … The federal government is also getting ready to announce a new AI Advisory Council, a multistakeholder group responsible for bringing the academic and private sectors together to offer advice and guidance on Canada’s approach to AI innovation and commercialization. “It was prudent for us to ensure that we got the definition right, that we’re not covering applications or solutions that are beyond what we’re describing.”. The provincial governments of Ontario, Quebec and Alberta have committed, or are expected to commit, additional funding of CAN$50-80 million each to their respective AI Institutes and the private sector has contributed a total amount of more than CAN$100 million to these same institutes. At last count, there were more than 650 AI-based startups in Canada, many of which are developing products and services that have the potential to make a social, environmental and/or economic impact. The Government of Canada has invested C$125 million in the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy (2017), which has boosted the research capacity of the country’s three leading AI institutes (Edmonton, Montreal, and Toronto), taking a step in the right direction in attracting, training, and retaining high-level AI … The programme originally fell under the leadership of Geoff Hinton and is now co-directed by Yoshua Bengio and Yann Lecun from New York University and Facebook. The creation of the observatory builds upon a grassroots movement that took shape over the course of last year, with the organization of the Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of AI on 3 November 2017, which adopted the Montréal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence. Over many years, their work led to the development of some of the AI-based technologies that we now rely on every day, including voice and image recognition and machine translation. An emerging area of interest: AI for human development. Many factors inspired the Canadian government to act. In March 2017, Canada was the first country in the world to announce a national strategy for artificial intelligence (AI), with a CAN$125 million investment over the next five years by the federal government. Also a great pick up basketball player |, Hashtag Trending - Apple removes police tracker app; global PC shipment rising; Apple reactivates voice data collection, Canada’s Top Women in Fintech/Blockchain, Canada’s CIO Strategy Council publishes national AI standards. The Government of Canada is investing $85.3 million over five years to help Canadian businesses, creators, entrepreneurs and innovators understand, protect and access intellectual property (IP) through a comprehensive IP Strategy. Advances in AI will require a strong community of AI … It is their guiding policy document. Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Create a National AI Strategy. China : China has a … These risks are not unique to developing nations – witness the impact of AI misinformation campaigns on recent US elections – but they may be exacerbated by weak governance and regulatory capacity. Japan’s own strategy was adopted just a month after Canada’s. This is the lowest of all countries surveyed by Deloitte in the third quarter of 2018. “The good news is that Canada can very much be a global lead when it comes to AI ethics,” noted Jansa. But how do you effectively achieve it? It was tricky developing a standard that provided ethical guidelines for chief innovation officers  without stifling the innovative spirit, said Jansa. The national standard for automated decision systems is available, for free, in English and French, and can be found here. With the pace of innovation outpacing existing current regulations, the council decided to develop a set of standards – with the help of 100 experts and thought leaders – for one of the most popular and misunderstood technologies that businesses and governments across the world are desperately trying to adopt: artificial intelligence. Later the same month, the Fonds de recherche du Québec, in partnership with the Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation, launched a call for proposals to all Québec universities for the creation of an international observatory on the societal impact of AI and digital technologies. In 2017, his government pledged $125 million for a national artificial intelligence (AI) strategy which aims to increase the number of skilled graduates and researchers in the field of AI, … Only one of them may be explicitly focused on leveraging AI ( but all five have plans to integrate AI into their strategy. The program is anchored with strategic and integrated plan to drive the use of AI to enrich, enhance and enforce government initiatives and programs in all sectors: Social & Community Development, … Twenty-five per cent of executives in Canada said they currently embed AI into their products and services. In 2017, Canada became the first country to launch a national AI strategy, building on its history of AI research excellence and with the goal of establishing Canada as a world-leading … Support a national research community on artificial intelligence. As part of the AI strategy, CIFAR will appoint approximately 50 Canada CIFAR Chairs in artificial intelligence at three AI institutes: Amii in Edmonton, the Vector Institute in Toronto, and MILA in Montreal. Importantly, the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy includes a dedicated research programme on the societal, ethical and economic implications of AI. One emerging area of interest is AI for human development. NITI Aayog after having round of consultations released a discussion paper on National Strategy on Artificial Intelligence on its website on 4th June 2018. In what it claims is a world first, Canada’s CIO Strategy Council has released a new set of standards to help organizations responsibly deploy emerging technologies with machine learning running under the hood. Compared to the rest of the world, Canada has taken a cautious approach in its pursuit of AI adoption. Additional research is needed to develop a broad spectrum of evaluative techniques. ... and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum has launched the UAE’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy, marking a new level of innovation built on Smart Government. A task force to determine the scope, governance and implementation plan for this international study group is due to issue a report by the end of this year. The benefits have been realized sooner and to a greater extent than was … The observatory will be mandated to support forward-looking research, knowledge mobilization and public engagement around the societal implications of AI. The good news is that it has been a great success. Canada: Canada has a national AI strategy called the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy. While AI … Paris Agreement reflects countries’ priorities, report shows, This small advanced economy is using science diplomacy to make its voice heard, Only a minority of innovative firms collaborate with universities, ASEAN Economic Community likely to spur scientific co-operation, says report, Uzbekistan: a national innovation system in the making, The G20 accounts for 92% of global spending on research, Nanotechnology is a growing research priority.