Green, New International Commentary on the New Testament (NICNT), Eerdmans, 1997, 1,020 pp. [1] In his commentary on commentaries D.A. The proofs of this position are in John 3:15, John 3:21; the whole of the sixth, and the greatest part of the eighth chapter, as also John 14:6, John 14:9, John 14:19. This is the commentary of John the apostle. Each sermon is the equivalent of a 10 page Pdf which means that these sermons represent over 1000 pages of Biblically sound doctrine to aid your study, teaching and preaching of the Gospel of John! The author had a long-winded writing style and shared biblical parallels that seemed a bit far-fetched. Keith Mathison gives this one his highest recommendation saying, “Darrell Bock’s massive and outstanding two-volume commentary on the Gospel of Luke raised my expectations for his commentary on Acts in the same series. Irishcat922 Puritan Board Sophomore. Where was John baptizing, and what is meant by “beyond Jordan” – 1:28? Thread starter Jar1979; Start date Dec 5, 2010; Status Not open for further replies. John is nowhere named in the book; but instead of arguing against his authorship, this argues for it. Oxford Movement ... 43, 48 (1874/1885) Praefatio. Murray J. Harris (EGNT, 2015) Published by B&H Academic, the Exegetical Guide to the New Testament Series is excellent. Colossians 2:9, “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” This list of commentaries is intended to help the reader understand and apply Mark’s message in the Gospel of Mark. As I read the opinions of the experts I saw that common pressing and divisive issues include the book’s authorship, views on divorce and remarriage, and eschatological concerns. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament (BECNT)Praised for both its thoughtful scholarship and readability, the BECNT is one exegetical commentary you’ll find in many a Bible study library.. A wide variety of scholars from differing theological persuasions contributed, offering a diverse bank of scholarly knowledge. Darrell Bock – Acts (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament). 33. Carson points out that we are blessed to have an abundance of volumes on Matthew since as recently as twenty-five years ago the pickings were thin. Cole’s commentary on Mark is a good example. Note: the studies in the first verse are more technical than usual for Verse-by-Verse Commentary because of their importance in indicating the deity of Christ. Ray's St. John's Gospel has been my second favorite book on coming to know our Lord. 120-144) sees scholarly opinion as shifted to Khirbet Qana as the New Testament Cana, and cites extensive excavations there since 1998. Best Commentary on the Gospel of John. Kostenberger is one of the premier Evangelical scholars today on the gospel of John. 32. His commentary is my favorite devotional commentary on John’s gospel, surpassing John MacArthur’s two–volume expository commentaries. Page #9 Study Notes on John Introduction to the Gospel of John Author The book was written by the apostle John, who was the brother of James and the son of Zebedee. R. Alan Cole — Mark (The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1989). Follow along as John delivers his eyewitness account, and declares that Jesus is, the "Son of God." The presumption that John's Gospel must have been composed no later than 100 AD is strongly confirmed by this extraordinary fragment. But no part of St. John's Gospel is a more complete proof of this position than his full and circumstantial account of the resurrection of Lazarus, which the other evangelists had omitted." Author: John 21:20–24 describes the author of the gospel of John as “the disciple whom Jesus loved,” and for both historical and internal reasons this is understood to be John the Apostle, one of the sons of Zebedee (Luke 5:10). Runners Up: More than the other Evangelists, John reveals the “fulfillment of the Scriptures,” that is, concern with the prophecies and symbols of the Old Law. John's Gospel This series of studies on the Gospel of John will challenge you with John's high view of Christ and confront you, possibly even offend you, with John's presentation of the exclusive and absolute claims made by Jesus Christ about his real identity and about his essential and indispensible role in spiritual life and salvation. Many have been the dramatisations of the story of the woman at the well (ch.4), of the man born blind (ch.9) and of the raising of Lazarus (ch.11), scenes which form a traditional Lenten catechesis which prepares for the conferring or recall of Baptism at Easter (Sundays 3-5 in year A, optional in year B and C). How did John compare himself to the one to come after him, and what does this mean – 1:26,27? Apr 20, 2004 #1 What are some of the best commentaries on the Gospel of John? The “Top 10” list is based on aggregate reviews.. Jar1979 Puritan Board Freshman. Thread starter brymaes; Start date Apr 20, 2004; Status Not open for further replies. He had been with God since the beginning, and all things had been created through Him. Dec 5, 2010 #1 The Lord willing, I'm going to start preaching through the Gospel of John in a few months. Stephen Ray provides a wonderful commentary and study guide for St. John's gospel. What passage was the basis of John’s statement, and what does it mean? I highlight my favorite commentaries on the fourth gospel written by John to help you select your first or next commentary on the gospel of John. If John's Gospel existed in Egypt at that time already then the original must have been written some time earlier. INTERPRETATION OR COMMENT ON THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN . This materal was preached by Pastor Cole over almost 2 years! Scott Bushey Puritanboard Commissioner. Gospel of John. Gospel of John - Verse-by-verse Bible study and in-depth commentary of the Book of John in plain English for everyone to understand. Urban C. von Wahlde ("Archaeology and John's Gospel," in Jesus & Archaeology, pp. This seminary-level study retains its depth and uses an engaging interactive format. Commentary on John. The Gospel of John was written to prove that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The other of the two is not identified, but for several reasons it is reasonable to think it was John the Gospel writer himself, who appears several times in his Gospel, but is never specifically named. 35. There are exegetical commentaries, scholarly and technical commentaries, as well as commentaries that are easy to understand. Joel B. John stood with two of his disciples: The Gospel writer tells us that one of these two was Andrew (John 1:40). 9 Best Commentaries on the Gospel of John. Jesus’ body was truly the temple of God. - This papyrus is kept in Manchester at the John Ryland's Library and bears the term P52. As an eyewitness to the love and power displayed in the miracles of Jesus, John gives us an up-close and personal look at Christ's identity.He shows us that Jesus, though fully God, came in the flesh to distinctly and accurately reveal God, and that Christ is the source of eternal life to all who believe in him. To reveal the divinity of of Jesus may be seen as the apostle's major purpose in this gospel account jn2030.. 1. B. brymaes Puritan Board Sophomore. 538-542) sees the issue as yet unresolved, while Peter Richardson ("Khirbet Qana and other Villages as a Context for Jesus," in Jesus & Archaeology, pp. Much of John’s gospel is a gift to the dramatist. Excellent Resource - functions like a verse by verse commentary. This excellent commentary by Herman Ridderbos engages seriously the host of twentieth-century interpretations of John while also developing its own integral understanding of John in which the Gospel emerges as a profoundly theological work. Date of Writing: Discovery of certain papyrus fragments dated around AD 135 require the gospel of John to have been written, copied, and circulated before then. He argues that for John, Jesus is wisdom personified. Apr 20, 2004 #2 William Hendriksen . Commentary on the Book of Gospel of John by Matthew Henry . John. The Gospel of John Verse by Verse Bible Study The Word was God (John 1:1-18) - Jesus was both the Word, and God. This highly original commentary on the Gospel of Luke is unique for the way it combines concerns with first-century culture in the Roman world with understanding the … What question did the agents of the Pharisees ask next – 1:24,25? This is a really valuable book for those who are serious about learning more about Jesus. In 21:20 and elsewhere, the author refers to himself as simply “the Ray is a super star when it comes to Bible study and this is one of his best. He understood that Jesus was talking about his death and resurrection because he wrote the gospel after Christ had ascended into heaven – as is demonstrated in the next verse. The chapter selection page for the gospel of John. 1-5. Discover multiple articles, blogs, podcasts, and videos from The Gospel Coalition to help inform you on different types of commentaries. I would say if you purchase only one exegetical commentary on John, this "may" be the best one to get because it summarizes the best of what has previously been accomplished in conservative commentaries on John. I only slogged through 20%-ish of Arthur Pink's commentary on my favorite gospel, The Book of John. Witherington continues to bring his insight from Jewish wisdom literature and shows how this sheds important light on understanding the Gospel of John. In the commentary on St. John’s Gospel, Thomas is concerned not only with the literal sense, which for him is of Prime importance and concern, but also with the spiritual sense, as explained above. Read Introduction to John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. John’s Wisdom: A Commentary on the Fourth Gospel by Ben Witherington III. S. CYRIL, ARCHBISHOP OF ALEXANDRIA. I … The best Mark commentaries are listed below. Some patients experience spread from rohypnol for sale. The Tyndale commentaries are non-technical and introductory level commentaries, but they are surprisingly consistent in their high level of quality. Andreas J. Köstenberger's new commentary on the Gospel of John draws on extensive research and engages the best of contemporary scholarship, yet provides a readable study that will be beneficial to students, pastors, and scholars.After considering the historical context of the letter as well as its relation to other New Testament writings, Köstenberger turns to his exegetical work. He knew from the tradition of the Church that John was the last of the Evangelists to compose his Gospel (Eusebius, Church History VI.25.6), and at least a great portion of his commentary on the Gospel of St. John, in which he everywhere makes clear his conviction of the Apostolic origin of … 34. 3. However, I have attempted to make the concepts as simple as possible. 5. The Word; John the Baptist ... Commentary home: Contact: Read John 5 commentary using Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. 36. This commentary on the Gospel of Mark is one of his best. Gospel of John Commentary. pp.